Sunday, February 7, 2010


Ok so I am for sure going to start a couple of niche blogs coming up here really soon. I am waiting on approval from adsense which has taken more than a week. Anyway and I added Chitka to do the keywords. I have also sent photos to several stock photography site and I am waiting approval on those as well. Gosh, what is this? A hurry up and wait thing or what! Gee whiz! I also have found some wonderful blogs and stuff on making some money online! My ultimate goal is to be able to stay home with the kids without having to worry about bills. My first few hundred to a thousand bucks is going toward my DSLR camera though, I do not care what anyone thinks about it either, because it will make me more money in the long run. I want to be able to to make money from several sites and have a plan to do it. I may have to stay up til 2:00 or 3:00 am to do it but I am qilling and ready so wish me luck! Oh and info I find I will share!
Love one another, and  Happy ChunkyDunkin!!!

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